To strengthen our team in the department 'Materials and the Environment' in Berlin-Steglitz starting 01.01.2023, we are looking for a
Salary group B 1 BBesO (Director and Professor) / non-tariff
Official/permanent employment relationship
Full-time / suitable as part-time employment
The Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und ‑prüfung (BAM) is a federal materials research institute in Germany. Our mission is to ensure safety in technology and chemistry. We perform research and testing in materials science, materials engineering and chemistry to improve the safety of products and processes. At BAM we do research that matters. Our work covers a broad array of topics in the focus areas of energy, infrastructure, environment, materials, and analytical sciences.
The intersection of the fields of microbiome and material research is a topic of scientific and public interest. The division will focus on experimental, data-based and predictive assessment of material-environment interactions and their impact on the microbiome. In the future these processes will be represented through mathematical modelling and laboratory simulations. Join our team of dedicated scientific leaders!
Your responsibilities include:
Your qualifications:
We are looking for a personality of international scientific reputation who conducts research at the interface between biofilm/microbiome/environment and anthropogenic material. The successful candidate should be distinguished by
We offer:
Applicants who meet the prerequisites will generally receive a salary according to BesGr. B 1 BBesO. A promotion according to BesGr. B 2 BBesO is possible at a later date provided that the applicant is suitably qualified, competent and performs professionally within the framework of the available positions.
In the case of applicants who do not meet the career requirements for federal officials at the time of recruitment, a non-tariff remuneration shall be agreed upon. The probation period in accordance with § 34 BLV and § 31 TVöD shall apply in this case.
Candidates from the public sector shall be asked for a declaration of consent in order to consult their personal files. At the same time, you shall be prepared to carry out any subsequent inspection that may be necessary in accordance with the German Screening Act (Sicherheitsüberprüfungsgesetz – SÜG).
Your application:
We welcome applications via the online application form by 30.09.2022. Alternatively, you can also send your application by post, quoting the reference number 193/22-P to:
The President of BAM, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Panne (e-mail and the head of the department 'Materials and the Environment' Prof. Dr. Anna A. Gorbushina (phone +49 30 8104-1400, e-mail will be glad to answer any specific questions you may have regarding this position.
BAM pursues the goal of professional equality between women and men. We therefore particularly welcome applications from women. In addition, BAM supports the integration of severely disabled persons and therefore especially welcomes their applications. With regard to the fulfilment of the job advertisement requirements, the application documents are examined individually. Recognised severely disabled persons will be given preferential consideration if they are equally suitable.
The advertised position requires a low level of physical aptitude.
BAM actively supports the compatibility of work and family and has been certified as a family- and life-phase-conscious employer by the "audit berufundfamilie" since 2015.